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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Follow-Up To "A Challenge"

Here are my comments in reply to a rabid Moonbat:

"Against the war? Yes, still. War is the health of the state and never justifiable under any circumstance."
"never justifiable under any circumstance." ? WTF kinda logic is that ? By that logic we could not have responded to Japan attacking Pearl Harbor ! "never justifiable under any circumstance." ? This is BS in it's highest order !

"Self-Defense is not war-mongering, and this was not a war of self-defense.
"Really ? Saddam's regime rewarded and harbored Terrorists. This was an act of self-defense. Again, WTF kinda logic is that ?
"If it is okay for you to viciously remove a vicious man from power what keeps someone from doing the same thing to you, after all, you feel it is right to wage war on those who disagree with you? By your own morality, you are now fair game."
Yes, It's OK to viciously remove a vicious man from power.
I took the libery of correcting you spelling. We viciously removed Hitler. We viciously removed Tojo. I see, so liberating a nation from a brutal Dictator that rewarded and harbored Terrorists makes us the same. Again: WTF kinda logic is that ?

"John, believe me, I understand the desire to right the wrongs of the world but forcing other people to use their money and lives (represented by their taxes) to enact your will is wrong. If you think these things are right, you pay the price, you fund it. But, don't make me do it. If somehow this war was fought to rid Iraq of an overlord and free their people, why are you so willing to enslave me to do it? Don't you see the basic illogic of that?"
Oh I see, so our forced contributions to the failed policies of the Socialists (The Democrats for those of you that don't know) for fifty years were not enslaving us ? The policies that have us working half the year to support, programs that we don't believe in, never voted for and are prime examples of failure ? Again: WTF kinda logic is that ?
"Or am I just another stupid moonbat?"
Yes. Yes you are..
"It's that kind of unthinking, emotional response that only perpetuates the violence and recriminations on both sides, both here and on the ground in Iraq."
You're the ones that help perpetuate the violence and recriminations. You're the ones that find nothing good in anything this country has done in the past fifty years. You are the ones always eager to blame America first. Americans are sick of that message. We reject you and all you stand for.

"I don't begrudge you your war-mongering. I don't like it, but that is just what it is. Please stop begrudging me (and, by extension, others like me) my desire for a peaceful and voluntary solution to the problem."
This is not "war-mongering". This is self preservation. I invite you to read this: Religion Of Hate. If you have the nerve and the "Open Mind" you so often claim you have and we lack.

"peaceful and voluntary solution to the problem"
Read the above link and tell me how the hell that's possible ?

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