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Friday, December 23, 2005

Crazy Christmas Lights

4.9 MB Windows Media Viewer

Carson Williams of Mason, Ohio lit up his house for the Christmas season in 2005 and synchronized his lights to Trans-Siberian Orchestra's song, "Wizards in Winter." The constant music and flashing of lights annoyed neighbors and backed up traffic. After a traffic accident on December 6, he decided to discontinue the show for this year.

Hat Tip: JC

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What Ever Happened To The Blue Monday Dog ?

Real Media

OK, there's only a few people that I know of that will get the reference, let alone know the song or the band... but we'll think it's funny.

Hat Tip: Liz.

Global Warming Effects: A Slideshow

2.6 MB PowerPoint Presentation

Hat Tip: Fred.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Millions Of Iraqis Vote In Relative Peace

Millions of Iraqis, from tribal sheiks to entire families with children in tow, turned out Thursday to choose a parliament in a mostly peaceful election - among the freest ever in the Arab world.

Up to 11 million of the nation's 15 million registered voters took part, election officials estimated, though they had no official turnout figure.

"The number of people participating is very, very high, and we have had very few irregularities," U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad told The Associated Press. "It is a good day so far - good for us, good for Iraq."

Chiman Saleh, a Kurd in Kirkuk, said election day made her think of her two brothers killed by Saddam's forces in the 1980s.

"This is day is revenge for Saddam," she said. "This is one of the times that Iraqis are free to choose their candidates."

A Well Hung Rudolph

Bleeding Rudolph Hanging From Tree

A holiday display is getting some negative attention from neighbors. A homeowner's display in the Hunter's Creek subdivision features Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer hanging from a tree.

One red light represents its nose and the rest appear to be blood draining from Rudolph's body. The display represents a hunting technique called field dressing, which is what hunters do to a deer they kill, but many neighbors say it disgusts them.

The subdivision is afterall, Hunter's Creek.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Colts Clinch AFC South, Home-Field Advantage

Lucky 13. Undefeated. Can they go all the way ?
You have to believe !

Friday, December 09, 2005

Blog Search Engine Directory (QBlog-Search.Com) Is Crap

I just did a search on John Lennon.
It found no matches.
At least a quarter of the Blogs I visited tonight had something to say about him.
They only have seven hits for "Santa" !
Only two hits for "Global Warming".

Do a search yourself, see how worthless it is.

I'm removing it from my site.

John Lennon, Still Dead.

Blah Blah Blah.
I can't believe how many fellow Bloggers are memorializing John Lennon's death like he was some kind of freaking saint.
He was a communist/anarchist and an atheist.
Read the lyrics to "Imagine".

That and he married Yucko Oh-No.


Santa On Cops !

2 MB Windows Media Viewer

"This is my wife's sleigh."

Hat Tip: Mike.

White House Jumper Was Looking For Chelsea Clinton

An Arkansas man who was arrested after he jumped the fence onto the White House grounds this week reportedly was after Chelsea Clinton -- not anyone from President George W. Bush's family.

According to a court-ordered report from the D.C. Department of Mental Health, Shawn Cox, 29, thought Clinton still lived at the White House. He thought he was destined to marry her.

Not exactly up on current events.

Happy Birthday To Me !

Today's my Blogo-birthday ! One year and 784 posts ago I posted Congratulations ! It's a Blog !
I sure have put a lot of crap out on the blogosphere this year, and there's more crap to come !

Retreat And Defeat

2.2 MB Windows Media Viewer

Democrats Have A Plan For Iraq:
Retreat and Defeat

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Well Hung Santa

A large blindfolded Santa hanging from a noose from a high tree in a man's yard has angered homeowners in a Florida neighborhood, according to a Local 6 News report. The Santa also has his hands and legs bound by some type of wire.

He certainly is well hung.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Threatened By Warming, Arctic Retards File Suit Against US

The people of the Arctic filed a landmark human rights complaint against the United States, blaming the world's No. 1 carbon polluter for stoking the global warming that is destroying their habitat. The Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), representing native people in the vast, sparsely-populated region girdling the Earth's far north, said they had petitioned an inter-American panel to seek relief for Canadian and US Inuit.

Global Warming huh ? I guess that would explain record low temperatures today.

Is Inuit a mis-spelling of Idiot ?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Speaking Of Global Warming: Bitter Cold Continues in Rockies, Midwest

Bitterly cold arctic air continued to funnel into the Rocky Mountains and Midwest on Tuesday, sending temperatures plummeting below zero throughout much of the region. A storm front creeping south since the weekend has driven down temperatures from Montana to the Midwest. With a brisk wind, it felt like 15 below zero Tuesday in Sioux Falls, S.D. _ where Wednesday's forecast high was a miserly 5 degrees.

That damned Global Warming ! It's freezing us !

Record Low Temps Seen in Parts of U.S.

Bitterly cold air poured southward across the nation's midsection Wednesday, dropping temperatures to record lows from Montana to Illinois. The mercury dived to a record 45 below at West Yellowstone, Mont., the frequently cold spot at the west entrance to Yellowstone National Park, the National Weather Service said. The old record for Dec. 7 was 39 below, set in 1927.

The cold even extended south to the Texas Panhandle, where Lubbock shivered at a record low 6 above zero, the weather service said.

Pacific Islanders Move To Escape Global Warming !

MONTREAL (Reuters) - Rising seas have forced 100 people on a Pacific island to move to higher ground in what may be the first example of a village formally displaced because of modern global warming, a U.N. report said on Monday.

With coconut palms on the coast already standing in water, inhabitants in the Lateu settlement on Tegua island in Vanuatu started dismantling their wooden homes in August and moved about 600 yards (meters) inland.

"They could no longer live on the coast," Taito Nakalevu, a climate change expert at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, told Reuters during a 189-nation conference in Montreal on ways to fight climate change.

So-called "king tides," often whipped up by cyclones, had become stronger in recent years and made Lateu uninhabitable by flooding the village 4 to 5 times a year. "We are seeing king tides across the region flooding islands," he said.

The scientific panel that advises the United Nations projects that seas could rise by almost 3 feet (a meter) by 2100 because of melting icecaps and warming linked to a build-up of heat-trapping gases emitted by burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and autos.

Many other coastal communities are vulnerable to rising seas, such as the U.S. city of New Orleans, the Italian city of Venice or settlements in the Arctic where a thawing of sea ice has exposed coasts to erosion by the waves.

They don't bother to mention that New Orleans and Venice are already below sea-level. I guess they don't want to confuse people with the facts.

You know what that means !

2.8 MB Windows Media Viewer

Actual footage of Global Warming attacking the innocent villagers !

Follow Up 12/09/2005:Climatologist Rejects 'Global Warming' as Cause for Island Evacuation

"It would seem that [the Reuters article] about the combination of sea level rise and increased storminess causing people to evacuate (to the island's interior) isn't based upon much real data," Michaels told Cybercast News Service on Tuesday.

The Reuters article included a statement from the U.N.'s Environment Program claiming that the residents of Vanuatu had "become one of, if not the first, to be formally moved out of harm's way as a result of climate change." However, the report did not feature any scientists or experts questioning the conclusion that human-caused "global warming" was to blame for the residents' coastal retreat.

Michaels said the scientific data does not back up the claims in the Reuters article about the evacuation of Vanuatu being linked to the U.N.'s projections of melting icecaps and rising sea levels.

"The island in question has experienced no net sea level rise in the last half century, according to the combined satellite and submarine data," Michaels said. "In fact, areas to the west such as [the island of] Tuvalu show substantial declines in sea level over that period," he added.

Michaels added that "the United Nations intergovernmental panel notes a decline in the frequency of tropical storms and hurricanes in the South Pacific in recent decades.

"With sea level not showing a rise and the decline in the frequency of tropical cyclones, it's very hard to make the strident statements that were made in the [Reuters article,]" he added.

"Reuters has generally been very radical on 'global warming.' This is nothing new for them," he said, noting that in much of the media, "the appropriate level of journalistic cynicism does not apply to 'global warming.'"

Reuters and the MSM never let facts get in the way of a good story. Especially when they can blame the evil US for the "crime". Come on people, think... would sea levels rise only around one stinking island ? Does that make sense to anyone ?

OMG. No Newsgroups !?!

When I try to connect to any Newsgroups, I get the following error !

"502 no permission for (blocked by realm NuVoxCommunications)"

Holy crap !

How am I supposed to download the latest episode of NCIS ?!?!

No new cartoons !

No new comicbooks !

No new TV shows !

No new porn !

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg !

Scenes From King Kong

I figured if Drudge headlined with it...

1.3 MB Windows Media Viewer

540 KB Windows Media Viewer

From Robot Chicken

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Al-Qaida No. 3 Toast

The operational commander of al-Qaida and possibly the No. 3 official in the terrorist organization, Hamza Rabia, was killed early Thursday morning by a CIA missile attack on a safehouse in Pakistan, officials told NBC News. Pakistan's president later confirmed the militant leader's death. "Yes indeed, 200 percent. I think he was killed the day before yesterday if I'm not wrong," President Pervez Musharraf told reporters as he arrived in Kuwait on an official visit on Saturday.

Hamza Rabia – a leading Qaeda figure (DEAD)

Funny how the MSM could not put the good news in the headline...

Musharraf Confirms Killing Of Abu Hamza Rabia

"Yes indeed, 200 percent. I think he was killed the day before yesterday if I'm not wrong."

WTF kind of quote is that ?

Hat Tip: Roberto at Roberto's Nasdaq Trader.

Team Opens Two New Clinics In Afghanistan

More good news the MSM won't report.

Hat Tip: concerned in texas at Truth on Iraq.

He Was a Good Snowman

Found over at Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans ?

"No WMDs," over and over...

Besides the underground laboratories with prisons for human testing of bioweapons as well as vials of bioweapons that were found which were of a type that could be surge produced, the objective facts about Saddam's WMDs are there for anyone to research.

What is most interesting to me is when there is an opportunity to study how the Old Press supports its templates regardless of facts as in the case of the report written by the weapons inspector David Kay. The text of his report is available to anyone who knows to look for it. Yet in the Old Press there are thousands of headlines and reporting that read like this: Kay: No weapons yet, but evidence of intent. That's not what he said, simply read it for yourself to see. This is why blogging and other forms of New Media are undercutting the Old Press. It's simple really, they are lying. The Old Press lied and people died and continue to as terrorists work to manipulate journalists and journalists use their standard of if it bleeds it leads. What is truly amazing is how they sometimes snivel that the New Media has no accountability. As opposed to what? As if their form of accountability to liberal editors, ratings or money leads them to write stories closer to the truth?

An excellent post by mynym at Into Good and Evil.

Friday, December 02, 2005