Good for them.
You know, the MSM and the Demoncrats predicted disaster for this election just like they predicated disaster for the Afghanistan elections. Actually they seemed eager for disaster. In both cases they were proven incredibly wrong.
I'll bet they still won't get it. I bet the MSM will still wonder why their ratings continue to plunge and the Demoncrats will still wonder why more and more Americans reject them.
It's because they are wrong an incredible amount of the time. Only the most thick skulled person can keep seeing them be wrong time and again and continue to think they're right.
Even now, the MSM continues to focus on what little bad happened during the voting. Forty four deaths. It's unclear if they count the terrorists as part of the count but they usually do. That's pretty much a normal daily body count in Iraq. I'm not saying the deaths weren't tragic, but it's nothing like the blood bath predicted by the Demoncrats and the MSM. The point here is they continue to focus on the wrong part of the story. The big story is the success of the election. They can't even get the focus of the story right.
This is a great day for Iraq.
This is a great day for America.
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