jay, The Old Hippie
Just look at that face.
This is one tired old hippie.
He's seen everything he's believed in to be proven false. Yet still he believes.
You've got to admire perseverance, don't you ?
I posted a comment on jay's blog Sunday.
He deleted it.
I guess when you're a rabid moonbat, facts should be destroyed.
Here's our thread from today:
Hey jay, thanks for deleting my comments on your blog. You know, the one I posted after you posted that we had never lost a city due to a hurricane before ? You know, the one where I provided a link to The 1900 Storm: Galveston, Texas ? If I remember all the post said was: "Never lost a city" ? Ever hear of a place called Galveston, Texas ? Typical Moonbat. If you don't like the facts, ignore them.
5:31 PM
Or better, if you don't like the facts, delete them.
5:31 PM
I didn't delete your comments, Noah...I just figured that a dozen times is enough for one dumb shit like you to make their point. BTW...When I'm talking about a city...I'm talking about a modern metropolis with a million or so people in the area. It also helps if the city in question happens to be one of the biggest ports in the country.Galveston in 1900 was a cowtown. The storm that hit is was a once in a century hurricane. We've had two this season.funny thing about facts...picking just one and yammering about it makes you look kinda stupid. My suggestion is that you look at all of them before your next mastabatory session on my blog. I would bet you really don't need help looking stupid.
5:50 PM
Gee jay,I only posted twice to my recollection. I guess you must have gone to public school to think that two posts came anywhere near a dozen. As far as Galveston being a cow town at the time, I guess your school wasn't to good on history, geography or map reading either. According to Wikipedia, The city of Galveston at the end of the 19th century was a booming metropolis with a population of 42,000. Its position on the natural harbor of Galveston Bay along the Gulf of Mexico made it the center of trade in the state of Texas. Granted, a population of that size today doesn't look that big, but back then it was a major city and an important port. The present day city of Galveston is built on the same site and if you look on your map is just southwest of Houston. If the storm had shifted just a little northward, Houston would have been wiped out. This is pretty close to where it was thought that Rita was going to land. Even though Galveston then was not as large as New Orleans is now, the fact remains that it was wiped out. It was at the time (and still is today) an important sea port. Also, if the same hurricane hit in the same manner today as it did then but with only a slight shift northward, much of Houston would be wiped out. The last time I looked, Houston was a smidge larger than New Orleans. Once in a century jay ? You're really stretching it now. NOAA records three that made landfall during the twentieth century. The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, Hurricane Andrew in August of 1992 and Hurricane Camille August of 1969. As far as having two "Once in a century hurricanes" this season, Rita lost both hurricane and tropical storm status on the same day as its landfall. By my count that makes one thus far this season. It's sad jay that you think facts are just a masturbatory session. It really makes you look quite stupid. Just as misspelling masturbatory makes you look stupid. We really don't want that, do we jay ?
8:02 PM
Oh. By the way. You most certainly did delete my comment, just as expect you to delete this one and the prior comment.
8:05 PM
Follow Up: It would seem that jay is in the habit of deleting comments of people whose opinions differ from his. This is quite clear if you read his blog. He also is quite fond of personally insulting people and using vulgarity when he has no logical, thoughtful response to challenges to his way of thinking. Typical Moonbat. I think he may become my first troll !
Another Follow Up:
42,000 and 2.000,000 are pretty different numbers for those of us who know how to count. The damage in Galveston was that the wooden and brick 19th century structures were demolished...New Orleans was underwater You say that we had 3 storms like that in the last century, the century when massive industrial pollution began. We had two just this season...so far. Even somebody as mathematically challenged as yourself might notice a bit of trend there.
Now, I was nice enough to visit your lonely little blog and listen to the crickets in the background. I even posted something rare over there...a comment. Since you have pretty much exceeded your quota of dumbassery here for one day, give it a rest and go stalk somebody else for awhile.
oh...I do defer to your expertise on beating off. I always say "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with". In your case, I would suppose that pretty much means solo sex.
Again, I am awed by jay's grasp of using personal insults over his ability to actually think. As to his comments, well they are still here for all to bask in his wit and wisdom. When people like him are the base of the Democratic party and they fail to see why they keep losing elections... well, let them continue to get their "message" out.
My response:
It must be so sad to have to result to vulgarity in order to think that you've won a debate.
I will leave your very popular blog for now knowing that you have mastered the skills of informed and civil discourse. I bow to your superior intellect.

Yet Another Follow Up:He seems to have banned me from posting comments on his blog. He would not allow me to post my final response. I tried twice. I thought I was being quite civil considering his behavior. I guess Moonbats can't handle thought provoking dialog. It's all mantra and dogma. I guess that makes me a heathen and a heretic. Good ! If they never learn, they will never regain power in this country. Keep up the good work jay !
I really like how he tries to make it seem that his Blog is more popular than mine.
According to
blogshares he only has fifteen incoming links.
I have sixty-five.
Blogrolling shows he has only five incoming links. I have
On the
The TTLB Blogosphere Ecosystem, I couldn't even find his site. I'm an
Adorable Little Rodent, rank 4718 with fifty-five links.
Guess your site isn't all that great, is it jay ?
Oh, just do a google search, see how many hits you get that link back to our respective sites.
Again, yet another follow up:It appears that his site would not allow me to use the kneeling GIF I used.
When I removed it, the post went through fine.
My apologies to jay. This time.
Huh. I now fall under the heading of Stalkers & Other Annoying Idiots.Wow, this guy is really annoyed that someone out there has a brain ! I'm now listed under "Stalkers & Other Annoying Idiots" on his site. What an honor ! I attempt to have a dialog with him and now I'm a Stalker and/or Annoying Idiot. What is it with these people that they can't even carry on a conversation without committing libel or slander ? It kind of makes you think that they think that their own positions don't hold water.
This just goes on:He left a comment unrelated to subject matter in which he stated:
"Recieved quite a few emails about your site already. I've made you an entertaining favorite for the night. Remember though...we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you."
Really ?
So, why do they not post comments here where I can readily reply ?
Are they so scared that I will reply ?
Are they afraid that I will delete their comments as you do ?
Bring them on jay.