Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
As Muslim Population Grows
What happens to society's as the Muslim population grows in percentage of the total?
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply.
It just gets worse from there.
Go read the whole thing.
In 1872 the Arabs invented the condom, using a goat's lower intestine.
In 1873 the British somewhat refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the goat first. - PoconoJoe
Religion Of Hate
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Doctor Zero Responds To John "Lurch" Kerry
We Are Paying Attention
The Left was unable to paint the Tea Party as anarchists, violent lunatics, or racists. The feeble attempt to suggest they should really be focusing their ire at George W. Bush or the Republican Party fizzled into embarrassed silence. Like a clumsy kid going deep into the dinnerware department to catch a Nerf football pass in a department store, John Kerry lumbered to the nearest microphone to blurt out the latest meme: the Tea Party isn’t paying attention at all. They’re just bleating in confusion, sheep panicking in the shadow of terrible forces they are not qualified to discuss:
It's a great take down.
Go read the whole thing.
John Kerry,
Liberal Idiocy,
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Hoosiers Rock
Click on the pic to enlarge.
And the Most Sexually Satisfied City In America Is...
Not New York. Not L.A. Not Miami. In fact, it’s a city that has never even had its own season of The Real World.
It’s Indianapolis.
Yeah, I know.
According to the latest issue of Men’s Health magazine, Indianapolis is the most sexually satisfied city in the U.S. The ranking is a combination of stats including condom sales, Toys In Babeland sales, and birth rates. The top ten cities, in order, are:
Indianapolis, Indiana
Columbus, Ohio
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Cincinnati, Ohio
Salt Lake City, Utah
San Antonio, Texas
Denver, Colorado
Boise City, Idaho
Chicago, Illinois
So… people in the Midwest are getting the best action? I’m not sure my wholly unscientific polling would agree with this data, but cute boys in Indiana and Ohio should feel free to call us and try to convince us otherwise.
Almost makes me want to move back.
Until I remember this:
(HONOLULU OBSERV 702.2 Weather station, 8.99 miles from Mililani Town)
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Annual |
Max °F | 80.4 | 80.6 | 81.6 | 83.0 | 84.5 | 86.6 | 87.8 | 88.6 | 88.5 | 86.9 | 84.3 | 81.7 | 84.5 |
Mean°F | 71.6 | 71.5 | 73.0 | 74.7 | 76.1 | 78.4 | 79.5 | 79.9 | 79.3 | 78.1 | 76.0 | 73.3 | 76.0 |
Min °F | 62.7 | 62.4 | 64.4 | 66.3 | 67.6 | 70.1 | 71.2 | 71.2 | 70.1 | 69.3 | 67.6 | 64.8 | 67.3 |
Waldo Ultimatum
Click on the pic to Play.
His identity erased. His past stolen. His whereabouts unknown. The original video...The Waldo Ultimatum by the Imponderables.
Hat Tip: Geeks are Sexy
Kewl Videos
Friday, September 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Walter!
Click on the pic to play.
Ya know, I used to dread going into work.
Pretty much every day was a bad day.
The past week when I got out of my car I would say to myself, "Let's make this a good day."
You know what ?
It's been a good week.
Thanks Walter.
Kewl Videos,
Walter Breuning
Sean Bielat
You want the guy on the left.
Sean Bielat For Congress.
When he's not killing terrorists, he's building f'n robots that kill terrorists.
Oh, and he's running against Bawney Fwank.
There's that too.
Major, U.S Marine Corps Reserve
Independent Consultant. Helped client companies build market strategies
Program Manager, iRobot Corporation. Led $100 million, 100 person business line providing life-saving defense robots used to destroy roadside bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan
Chairman, NATO Industrial Armaments Group. Led an international team studying the potential for use of advanced reconnaissance technology in urban warfare
Management Consultant, Mckinsey & Company
Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps (active duty)
I gave to his campaign on Friday, September 17.
Please do the same.
Sean Bielat
Barney Frank,
Sean Bielat
Another Racist Liberal Democrat
Loretta Sanchez
California Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez is attracting national criticism for saying during a recent Spanish-language interview that “the Vietnamese” are trying to wrestle away her seat.
"The Vietnamese and the Republicans are, with an intensity, trying to take this seat from which we have done so much for our community — to take this seat and give it to this Van Tran, who is very anti-immigrant and very anti-Hispanic,” Sanchez said in an interview with Univision, according to a translation by The Orange County Register.
Tran, the Republican state assemblyman who’s running against Sanchez, is a Vietnamese-American. According to his campaign website, his family came to the United States in 1975, having been evacuated by the U.S. Army just before the fall of Saigon.
Tran’s campaign issued a statement in which it said that the Democrat’s “attack against immigrants and the Vietnamese community on national television is shocking. The 47th congressional district belongs to the people and not an individual ethnicity."
I just gave some ca$h to Van Tran (Kewl name BTW).
Please do the same.
Throw this repugnant woman to the curb.
Thanks to Kevin at Daily Ructions for reminding me about this.
Liberal Idiocy,
Liberal Racism,
Loretta Sanchez,
Van Tran
Video: Democrat thugs in action
Click on the pic to play.
Why are they so afraid of someone filming a public event in a public place ?
So afraid they assault this man ?
What don't Demoncrats want you to see or hear so much that they punch this guy ?
Remember in November.
Hat Tip: Brain Shavings
John Kitzhaber,
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Liberal Thugs,
The latest Super Villain.
'Help, I'm in the trash truck!' Hapless 'thief' almost killed when his hideaway starts to crush him
When police were called out to a robbery at their local Wal-Mart , the suspected thief appeared to vanish into thin air.
For about 40 minutes on Wednesday morning, officers in Alliance, Ohio searched the area for a suspect who was accused of trying to sneak about $1,000 worth of merchandise out of the superstore's side door.
Then the police got a call from an man claiming to be his friend.
Alliance Police Lt. William Morris told Fox 8 News that the caller told police that his friend, James Brienzo, 37, had used his mobile phone to get help.
He was 'hiding in a dumpster behind a Wal-Mart in Alliance and he was hiding from police and it was just picked up and dumped in a trash truck and they were mobile and he needed help.'
Emergency operators also took a 911 call from a frantic Brienzo, begging them to find the truck. 'I'm in the back of a trash truck that keeps compacting me!' Brienzo said as dispatchers urged him to calm down.
Police say Brienzo was literally being compacted along with between six and eight tons of rubbish mostly discarded cardboard.
As Stark County Emergency Management officials used the signal from Brienzo's mobile phone to locate where he was, police were frantically searching Alliance for the truck.
During a 16-minute conversation, Brienzo told dispatchers he thought he was dying. 'I'm dying man,' he said, complaining his bones were being crushed, saying he knew he wouldn't walk again and screaming at the top of his lungs each time the truck driver picked up another load and compacted what was in the truck.
He is heard telling dispatchers at one point that he didn't care what happened to him, he just wanted to live.
'He was in pretty bad shape when the got him out, he didn't look too good,' Noel Hatfield told reporters.
'To be honest with you, I figured he was almost dead because that packs so tight in there,' said Mike Hatfield.
Lt. Morris said they still had trouble digging Brienzo's legs out of the pile as he appeared to be slipping in and out of consciousness.
The latest Super Villain.
He's lucky the trash was mostly cardboard.
Paper doesn't compress.
A fact that can save your life in an earthquake, tornado or other event that could cause your building to collapse.
So the few millimeters of corrugated cardboard between the inner and outer surfaces of the cardboard would compress, that's about it.
Yeah, cardboard saved this guy's life.
It seems to me there was an episode of Batman where he and Robin were trapped in a garbage truck...
I was right. "Penguin Sets A Trend".
Click the pic to play.
Windows Media Viewer 8MB.
Oh Noes ! Can the Dynamic Duo escape ?
Stupid Crooks
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Democrat Dirt Dish
From Moonbattery:
Travis Childers
Dina Titus
Carol Shea-Porter
Ann Kuster
Harry Teague
John Hall
Michael Arcuri
Larry Kissell
Earl Pomeroy
Steve Driehaus
Mary Jo Kilroy
Zack Space
Kathy Dahlkemper
Bryan Lentz
Patrick Murphy
Chris Carney
Paul Kanjorski
John Spratt
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin
Roy Herron
Chet Edwards
Ciro Rodriguez
Glenn Nye
Tom Perriello
Denny Heck
Mike Oliviero
Julie Lassa
Steve Kagen
Steve Raby
Ami Bera
Joe Garcia
Trent Van Haaften
Stephene Ann Moore
John Callahan
Jon Hulburd
Jon Hurlburd
Stephen Pougnet
Lori Edwards
Ravi Sangisetty
Pat Miles
Tarryl Clark
Tom White
Matthew Zeller
Paula Brooks
Manan Trivedi
Brett Carter
Suzan Delbene
Colleen Hanabusa
Robert Dold
Cedric Richmond
Lisa Murkowski
Barbara Boxer
Michael Bennet
Alexi Giannoulias
Robin Carnahan
Paul Hodes
Lee Fisher
Joe Sestak
Harry Reid
Scott McAdams
Kendrick Meek
Charlie Crist
Jack Conway
Patty Murray
Russ Feingold
Richard Blumenthal
Joe Manchin
Chris Coons
Ron Wyden
Kirsten Gillibrand
Mike McMahon
Scott Murphy
Bill Owens
Heath Schuler
Charlie Wilson
Betty Sutton
Kurt Schrader
Mark Critz
Lincoln Davis
Rick Boucher
Gerry Connolly
Rick Larsen
Ann Kirkpatrick
Harry Mitchell
Jerry McNerney
John Salazar
Betsy Markey
Allen Boyd
Alan Grayson
Alan Grayson
Suzanne Kosmas
Jim Marshall
Debbie Halvorson
Bill Foster
Phil Hare
Baron Hill
Leonard Boswell
Frank Kratovil
Gary McDowell
Mark Schauer
Mike Ross
Dennis Cardoza
Christopher Murphy
John Barrow
Melissa Bean
Bruce Braley
Dave Loebsack
John Yarmuth
Chellie Pingree
Tim Walz
Russ Carnahan
Rush Holt
Carolyn McCarthy
Dan Maffei
Bob Etheridge
Mike McIntyre
David Wu
Jason Altmire
Tim Holden
David Cicilline
Jim Matheson
Ron Kind
Bobby Bright
Gabrielle Giffords
Jim Costa
Loretta Sanchez
Ed Perlmutter
Jim Himes
John Carney
Ron Klein
Sanford Bishop, Jr.
Walter Minnick
Joe Donnelly
Ben Chandler
Gary Peters
Ike Skelton
John Adler
Martin Heinrich
I quoted Van Helsing verbatim because frankly, I could not have said it better.
That and he wants a Google Bomb, so there's that.
Knowledge is power — but in the case of Democrats, other people's knowledge is a pain in the neck. Here are some stories casting a dark light on moonbat bureauweenies who will be looking at trouble in November in key congressional races:
Travis Childers
Dina Titus
Carol Shea-Porter
Ann Kuster
Harry Teague
John Hall
Michael Arcuri
Larry Kissell
Earl Pomeroy
Steve Driehaus
Mary Jo Kilroy
Zack Space
Kathy Dahlkemper
Bryan Lentz
Patrick Murphy
Chris Carney
Paul Kanjorski
John Spratt
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin
Roy Herron
Chet Edwards
Ciro Rodriguez
Glenn Nye
Tom Perriello
Denny Heck
Mike Oliviero
Julie Lassa
Steve Kagen
Steve Raby
Ami Bera
Joe Garcia
Trent Van Haaften
Stephene Ann Moore
John Callahan
Jon Hulburd
Jon Hurlburd
Stephen Pougnet
Lori Edwards
Ravi Sangisetty
Pat Miles
Tarryl Clark
Tom White
Matthew Zeller
Paula Brooks
Manan Trivedi
Brett Carter
Suzan Delbene
Colleen Hanabusa
Robert Dold
Cedric Richmond
Lisa Murkowski
Barbara Boxer
Michael Bennet
Alexi Giannoulias
Robin Carnahan
Paul Hodes
Lee Fisher
Joe Sestak
Harry Reid
Scott McAdams
Kendrick Meek
Charlie Crist
Jack Conway
Patty Murray
Russ Feingold
Richard Blumenthal
Joe Manchin
Chris Coons
Ron Wyden
Kirsten Gillibrand
Mike McMahon
Scott Murphy
Bill Owens
Heath Schuler
Charlie Wilson
Betty Sutton
Kurt Schrader
Mark Critz
Lincoln Davis
Rick Boucher
Gerry Connolly
Rick Larsen
Ann Kirkpatrick
Harry Mitchell
Jerry McNerney
John Salazar
Betsy Markey
Allen Boyd
Alan Grayson
Alan Grayson
Suzanne Kosmas
Jim Marshall
Debbie Halvorson
Bill Foster
Phil Hare
Baron Hill
Leonard Boswell
Frank Kratovil
Gary McDowell
Mark Schauer
Mike Ross
Dennis Cardoza
Christopher Murphy
John Barrow
Melissa Bean
Bruce Braley
Dave Loebsack
John Yarmuth
Chellie Pingree
Tim Walz
Russ Carnahan
Rush Holt
Carolyn McCarthy
Dan Maffei
Bob Etheridge
Mike McIntyre
David Wu
Jason Altmire
Tim Holden
David Cicilline
Jim Matheson
Ron Kind
Bobby Bright
Gabrielle Giffords
Jim Costa
Loretta Sanchez
Ed Perlmutter
Jim Himes
John Carney
Ron Klein
Sanford Bishop, Jr.
Walter Minnick
Joe Donnelly
Ben Chandler
Gary Peters
Ike Skelton
John Adler
Martin Heinrich
To quote Van Helsing
What a shame it would be for their electoral ambitions if enough bloggers posted these links to affect the results their names bring up in search engines.
I quoted Van Helsing verbatim because frankly, I could not have said it better.
That and he wants a Google Bomb, so there's that.
Obama Surveys the Health Care Industry
Obama Surveys the Health Care Industry.
But wait !
He's got more work to do elsewhere !
Great post from Are We Lumberjacks ?
Hat Tip: doubleplusundead
Barack Hussein Obama,
Liberal Idiocy,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Great stuff at Green Hell.
$273,723 ?
That’s more than I make in an entire week !
Hat Tip: Cao's Blog
The report covers some $7.5 billion spent to create about 27,400 jobs — as best as can be gleaned from the report, including giving the projects the benefit of doubt when the jobs figures are unclear.
That works out to about $273,723 per job.
$273,723 ?
That’s more than I make in an entire week !
Hat Tip: Cao's Blog
Liberal Idiocy,
I stopped using blogrolling months ago when they started that "adds in a frame" crap.
Now I get this when visiting sites that use
Time to loose the blogrolling gals and guys.
Now I get this when visiting sites that use
The website at [website.yadda] contains elements from the site, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer.
Time to loose the blogrolling gals and guys.
The Central Issue Of Our Time: Federal Spending
From Political Calculations:

Click on the pic to enlarge.
Hat Tip: Ace and Power Line
Click on the pic to enlarge.
The obviously unsustainable explosion in federal spending that the Democratic Congress has embarked upon since 2007 is the central issue of our time.
Hat Tip: Ace and Power Line
Liberal Idiocy,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Smells Like Rockin' Robin
Click on the pic to play.
This is so F'ing AWESOME !
Hat Tip: Coldheartedtruth
Click on the pic to enlarge.
Kewl Videos,
Election Year Dynamic Trend Map
Via Cap’n Bob & the Damsel

It's an interactive display of different races according to polls.
As Geraghty says, “If your map just keeps getting redder and redder, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s broken.”
It's an interactive display of different races according to polls.
As Geraghty says, “If your map just keeps getting redder and redder, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s broken.”
Flying With The Fastest Birds On The Planet
Click on the pic to Play.
Impressive speed yes, but... What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow ?
You know that dive was pretty impressive.
But can it do the Triple Lindy Dive ?
Islamic Terrorist Birds,
Kewl Videos
Monday, September 20, 2010
Great post at Natural Fake.
Go read it, I'll be here when get back.
There is alarming new evidence that the Alaskan parasite, S. murkowski, once thought to be extinct, is staging a comeback in both it’s native Alaska and in Washington DC.
S. murkowski or as it’s known in the epidemiological community by it’s full scientific name, Suckus murkowski, is one of the most persistent parasites known to man. This persistence makes S. murkowski one of the most dangerous threats to the Alaskan taxpayer.
Go read it, I'll be here when get back.
Lisa Ann Murkowski,
I'm Exhausted Of Defending You
Obviously this woman is a racist.
From Real Clear Politics:
Town Hall Questioner To Obama: "I'm Exhausted Of Defending You"
"I'm one of your middle class Americans. And quite frankly, I'm exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for," a woman told President Obama at a town hall.
"My husband and I have joked for years that we thought we were well beyond the hot dogs and beans era of our lives, but, quite frankly, it's starting to knock on our door and ring true that that might be where we're headed again, and, quite frankly, Mr. President, I need you to answer this honestly. Is this my new reality?," she added.
It's your new reality until November.
Barack Hussein Obama,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Party Of Death
Really ? You want to raise this issue NOW ? (pun intended)
By: Seth McLaughlin
Sure, go ahead. You idiots just keep giving us more ammo.
Hat Tip: Weasel Zippers.
By: Seth McLaughlin
Bill would lift military abortion ban
Senate vote set on restriction at base hospitals
Senate Democrats are angling to end the military's decades-old ban on allowing abortions in overseas military hospitals, thus thrusting the culture wars back onto the front burner after months of being drowned out by the nation's economic woes.
Sure, go ahead. You idiots just keep giving us more ammo.
Hat Tip: Weasel Zippers.
Liberal Idiocy,
They Said Reagan Couldn't Win Either
It almost seems as if history is repeating itself, at least for conservatives. The surge of conservative, Tea Party candidates beating entrenched moderate and in many cases RINO Republican candidates who have been part of the DC establishment for years or a least well known in the GOP elitist circles has been a shock to some and a nightmare to others.
The conservative surge has shown the true anger and disgust of voters as well as the poor attitude of many of the defeated entrenched candidates as well as pundits. For example after the stunning defeat of RINO Mike Castle by conservative Tea Party backed Christine O'Donnell, Castle revealed his true colors by publicly stating he would not endorse nor support O'Donnell although she was the clear choice of Delaware voters.
We have witnesses another RINO entrenched GOP candidate who could care less about the will of the voters and went even further than the sore loser attitude of Mike Castle. In Alaska, Lisa Murkowski was defeated by Tea Party conservative Joe Miller and though initially conceding to the will of the people has announced that she will ignore voters decision and run as a write in candidate for the Alaska Senate seat.
All around the country conservative Tea Party, Sarah Palin backed candidates have overwhelmingly defeated entrenched GOP Washington insiders or well know state insiders running for federal offices and it has both scared and angered the elitist GOP establishment and brought on the commentary wrath of pundits who have gone on the record condemning voter decisions and claiming that many conservative candidates cannot win against Democrats because they are too radical for the voters in their respective states, especially those in the Northeast.
Read the whole thing.
They telling us we can't win only makes us more determined !
This year we take back our party and our country !
When Jewish Boys Bow To Allah
Via: The Jawa Report.
Read the whole thing.
Hear, O Rabbis of the Lunatic Left: the jig is up. You've been found out and exposed, and your mask of sanctity is disappearing faster than the bagels at a Yom Kippur breakfast.
You can't hysterically blackmail us with your moral superiority anymore, shoving your fellow Jews into submission to the Allah-pushers, just because you think it's so adorably universalist.
Nope, the days of the liberal progressive regime are coming to an end. You can't emotionally extort us into endorsing the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, even if six hundred of you were on a conference call with the president, who begged you to turn Yom Kippur into a rally for Mosque-Building USA.
And we're not going to chirpily "dialogue" with professional Jew-haters who enjoy momentarily posing as "moderate Muslims" to gain your puppy dog trust -- and who then turn around and call us "sons of monkeys and pigs."
Nor will we join hands with you in dreaming up gossamer excuses for the Islamists' latest sharia-compliant or homicidal schemes -- just because you get a "tingle up your leg" by embracing their never-ending transgressions.
Read the whole thing.
Religion Of Hate,
Sharia Law
Are You Ready ?
Via The Drawn Cutlass:

Well I have...
I have some Aspercreme, that really stings the eyes...
No ?
Uh... Toothpicks ! They can... uh... Under the fingernails they will...
Ah ! I have Raid Flea Killer !
That and the lighter on my left will make a handy flamethrower !
Oh crud...all I've got is a coffee cup. I'm doomed!
Well I have...
I have some Aspercreme, that really stings the eyes...
No ?
Uh... Toothpicks ! They can... uh... Under the fingernails they will...
Ah ! I have Raid Flea Killer !
That and the lighter on my left will make a handy flamethrower !
Well Said Roberta
Click on the pic to enlarge.
"When the Communists think you’re a commie you might as well stop pretending you’re not." - Roberta at SnarkyBytes.
(Golf Clap)
Barack Hussein Obama,
The Top 20 Campaigns In Which To Invest Time and Money Between Now and November
Hugh Hewitt cut short my favorite segment of his show Friday (The movies with Emmett, the Unblinking Eye) so he could talk about "The List".
I've given to several of these races.
Take it as a guide if you're not sure what to do.
I've also given to campaigns that Hugh thought were unwinnable, yet won. But overall it's a good list.
I've given to several of these races.
Take it as a guide if you're not sure what to do.
I've also given to campaigns that Hugh thought were unwinnable, yet won. But overall it's a good list.
Hugh Hewitt,
Anna C. Little
Anna C. Little.
I just sent some ca$h to Anna C. Little. She's running against Frank “It’s my bill” Pallone. If Pallone wants credit for Obamacare, let’s give it to him by helping him own it.
Great add from FreedomsDefenseFund
Hat Tip: Laura Brod.
Anna C. Little,
New Jersey,
Revolt: It’s The Power The People Have to Use
From theoptimisticconservative
Go read the whole thing.
This year we're taking back our party and our country ! Enough with the top-down GOP. You won't tell us how to vote, we tell you ! Listening to the establishment in the GOP is what got us John F'ing McCain as the Presidential Candidate ! Enough ! You will listen to us GOP or by God we WILL start another party and you'll be on the ash heap of history like the Whigs, the Federalist and the Democratic-Republican Parties.
What Rove and those in the GOP leadership need to understand is that a citizen’s vote is the main tool he has to express himself politically. There comes a time when he has to use it for his own purposes, rather than as someone else’s tactical tire-tool; and 2010 is one of those times.
I can’t count how often this year I’ve heard the following expressed one way or another: “Things have got to change. I don’t even care if I’m voting for the candidate who supposedly can win. I’ve got to vote for the candidate who’s saying what I believe in, and let the rest take care of itself. We can’t keep voting for the same old people. Maybe it’ll take some time to get some leadership for a new direction, but it will never happen if we keep bringing back all the folks who got us into this mess.”
Go read the whole thing.
This year we're taking back our party and our country ! Enough with the top-down GOP. You won't tell us how to vote, we tell you ! Listening to the establishment in the GOP is what got us John F'ing McCain as the Presidential Candidate ! Enough ! You will listen to us GOP or by God we WILL start another party and you'll be on the ash heap of history like the Whigs, the Federalist and the Democratic-Republican Parties.
Odd That British Journalists Understand The TEA Party Better Than American Journalists
From Toby Harnden:
Tea Party insurgents prepare to seize power in 2012
First they were ignored. Then they were derided as the tools of Big Money. Then they were branded as racists, the unhinged, the unwashed, the paranoid, the subversive and the ignorant - or some combination thereof.
Now, they stand accused of aiding and abetting the enemy by splitting the Republican party and giving Democrats hope for the November mid-terms. It has been a rough ride for members of the Tea Party in the 19 months since their movement sprung up.
But each insult and attempt to marginalise them seems only to have stiffened their resolve and swelled their numbers. Polling indicates that they are now more popular than either Republicans or Democrats. Despite all the claims they are extremists, around half of the electorate now identifies with the Tea Party and up to a quarter view themselves as members.
The time for them to be taken seriously is long overdue. The Tea Party will be pivotal in November. It has ripped up the playbook for the 2012 Republican primaries. Asnd it could just end up kicking President Barack Obama out of the White House.
OK, he gets a few facts wrong, like "1773 Boston Tea Party protest against British colonialists.", but overall a good article.
Actually the way American "journalists" have behaved the last ten years, not so surprising.
And Now For My Next Trick...
Janis Ollson.
From Carol Sanders, Winnipeg Free Press:
Janis Ollson and family are in magazine ads for the esteemed Mayo Clinic for a good reason: She's the first ever to be cut in half by surgeons to remove much of a cancerous midsection -- and then put back together with a happy ending.
Three years ago, the 31-year-old Manitoba mother was pregnant with her second child and had been suffering years of intense back pain when Canadian doctors diagnosed her with bone cancer.
Sarcoma experts in Toronto said they would literally have to cut her in half to get at the untreatable cancer, remove her leg, lower spine and half her pelvis.
The problem was they didn't know how to put her back together again. They consulted with the Mayo Clinic and the Rochester, Minn., doctors decided to attempt something that had only been tried on cadavers.
After much rehabilitation, she put her mobility to the test this May, walking down the aisle of their church on husband Daryl's arm, on her way to the altar to renew their vows on their 10th anniversary.
Quite The Contrast
From Jennifer Rubin:
Hat Tip: eddiebear at doubleplusundead.
eddiebear notes:
As always, his use of colorful expletives adds a special sauce to the post.
Liberals vs. Conservatives in Defeat
Some liberal commentators assure us they mean “no disrespect.” Others don’t even bother. They tell us Americans are confused or crazy, racist or irrational. Maybe all of these. The left punditocracy is in full meltdown, irate at the voters and annoyed at Obama. The contrast to the aftermath of the 2008 election is instructive.
his is yet another confirmation that the right and left look at America – and Americans – quite differently. The leftists view their countrymen as in dire need of supervision — by elites like them, of course. Americans are not competent to make decisions on their own, and left to their own devices, will run amok. Wall Streeters are greedy, New Yorkers are xenophobes, and the rest of us are Bible- and gun-huggers. And here we go again — acting out and acting up. Obama, the poor dear, just can’t talk sense to us.
Hat Tip: eddiebear at doubleplusundead.
eddiebear notes:
They hate us because we refuse to give in to them and their ways. They hate us because they know, deep down, that their ways have failed and will fail again, and we are the only ones in the way of that disaster befalling us. They hate us because we put our faith in the Constitution, not the cult of personality that is the state. And they hate us because we are unwilling to be led like sheep and drones.
As always, his use of colorful expletives adds a special sauce to the post.
Liberal Idiocy,
Hmmm... Bawney Fwank In Trouble ?
Amusing article from Howie Carr.
Let’s be Frank, Bill’s visit sets off alarms for Dems
Taunton High cheerleaders beware - Bill Clinton is coming to your school.
To campaign for Barney Frank. You can’t make this stuff up.
Who knew that Barney Frank was this worried about getting himself re-elected to a 16th term in Congress? What in the name of Arthur Clarke and Peg Heckler is going on this year? Things are so bad for the Democrats that Bill Clinton, the two-term philanderer-in-chief, is coming to Taunton next week to stump for Barney. After all, they have so much in common. Barney loves Fannie Mae, Clinton loves...well...
Go read the whole thing.
Hat Tip: Daily Ructions
Kevin also noted:
Former President Bill Clinton will campaign for Connecticut United States Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal a week from today.
We noted on Friday that it sounds an alarm when the Democrats’ star campaigner is spending time in indigo regions five weeks before the election. He’d usually be deployed to traditional battleground states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, and even Wisconsin in the final phase of this long campaign year. In a more promising year, he’d spend a fall Sunday making forays into North Carolina or Indiana. Instead, he’ll be guarding party reliables in two New England states Democrats usually have locked away in their column from the start.
How sweet would it be for this fat slobbering pig to get the boot ?
Go over to his opponent's site, Sean Bielat and throw him some dough.
Barney Frank,
Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day !
Avast, me hearties ! Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day !

The Repeal Amendment
Via Brain Terminal:
I think I like this idea.
No, actually, I LOVE this idea.
The Case for a 'Repeal Amendment'
Virginia will consider proposing a constitutional amendment that would allow two thirds of the states to repeal a federal law.
In its next session beginning in January, the legislature of Virginia will consider proposing a constitutional "Repeal Amendment." The Repeal Amendment would give two-thirds of the states the power to repeal any federal law or regulation. Its text is simple:
"Any provision of law or regulation of the United States may be repealed by the several states, and such repeal shall be effective when the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states approve resolutions for this purpose that particularly describe the same provision or provisions of law or regulation to be repealed."
At present, the only way for states to contest a federal law or regulation is to bring a constitutional challenge in federal court or seek an amendment to the Constitution. A state repeal power provides a targeted way to reverse particular congressional acts and administrative regulations without relying on federal judges or permanently amending the text of the Constitution to correct a specific abuse.
The Repeal Amendment should not be confused with the power to "nullify" unconstitutional laws possessed by federal courts. Unlike nullification, a repeal power allows two-thirds of the states to reject a federal law for policy reasons that are irrelevant to constitutional concerns. In this sense, a state repeal power is more like the president's veto power.
I think I like this idea.
No, actually, I LOVE this idea.
Things That Make You Go "Huh.",
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
To The Geniuses Fretting Over Christine O'Donnell
Randall Hoven at American Thinker has some pretty good history lessons for you.
Go over there and read the whole thing.
Oh BTW, I donated to her during the money bomb the other night.
Send her a little cash too.
Assume the geniuses are right. In fact, assume the worst case: O'Donnell loses the general election and the Senate ends up 50-50, with the tie-breaking vote going to Joe Biden. If we wing-nuts hadn't screwed things up by electing O'Donnell in the primary, the Senate would be majority Republican in 2011-12. How much better would a majority-by-one outcome be?
We do not have to hypothesize such a situation. Exactly that happened in 2001. And this is what happened: Jim Jeffords, nominal Republican, left the Republican Party to caucus with the Democrats, putting them in majority control for the remainder of that Senate term.
Jumpin' Jim had gone through an election just eight months prior to his defection. All that time, the geniuses told us Republicans to support guys like Jeffords. He's running in Vermont for goodness sake, whaddya want? You can't expect a Jim DeMint Republican to win in the Northeast. We need such "moderate" Republicans in order to control the Senate.
January 2001 was the first time in 46 years that the President, the House and the Senate had been Republican. That state of affairs lasted from January 20 to June 6. After that, meaning after Jumpin' Jim's jump, the Democrats controlled the Senate and blocked everything that might have been worthwhile coming from the Republican House and ready to be signed by President Bush.
When we really, really needed him, Jumpin' Jim jumped. To be clear, all of the good do-bee Republicans who supported our "moderate" Republicans from the Northeast still got screwed. They lost the money they sent him and lost the Senate anyway. Strike one.
Go over there and read the whole thing.
Oh BTW, I donated to her during the money bomb the other night.
Send her a little cash too.
Christine O'Donnell,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Review Of Obama’s New Children's Book
Natural Fake had the true honor to take an exciting first look at Bambi's new book.
Nice to know he's found time to write a children's book between golf outings and vacations.
Barack Hussein Obama
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Happy Burn a Koran Day !
Click on the pic to enlarge.
Happy Burn a Koran Day !
I really enjoyed International Burn A Koran Day.
I was green about it too.
I figured while it burnt I may as well use the flames for something constructive.
So I burnt it in a grill and cooked bacon with it.
I let the bacon grease drip all over the Koran.
Then I pissed on the ashes of the Koran.
Just to ensure the flames were out.
Safety first !
Hat's off to SOYLENT GREEN
Religion Of Hate,
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Beware Islamic Terrorist Hay Bales
Former member of ELO killed by hay bale while driving
A former member of the band the Electric Light Orchestra has been killed by a giant hay bale which rolled out of a field and landed on his van as he drove.
Mike Edwards, 62, was a founding member of ELO and played cello with the group from their first live gig in 1972 until he departed in January 1975.
He quit to become a Buddhist and later changed his name to Deva Pramada because of his religious convictions.
His eccentric cello playing - including plucking the strings with an orange or grapefruit - and bizarre costumes were a major ingredient of ELO.
He played cello on albums ELO II, On the Third Day, The Night The Light Went On (In Long Beach) and Eldorado.
Mr Edwards died instantly when he was hit by the bale which weighed nearly 700lbs.
He was driving along a road when the bale careered down a slope in a field and flipped over a hedge - smashing down onto his roof.
The circular bale is believed to have been in a steeply-sloping field beside the road when it somehow rolled and jumped 12ft to 15ft into traffic.
He said: "This was a tragic accident and we have now identified the victim as Michael Edwards, a founder member of ELO."
"We have used photographs and YouTube footage to identify him but we now need help contacting his family for formal identification."
This is precisely why I don't drive vans near hay bales after being a member of a 70s rock band.
Found over at The Drawn Cutlass.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Butts Arrested in Boob Murder Case
POTTER TOWNSHIP, CENTRE COUNTY - Police have arrested a third person in connection with the murder of Samuel Boob.
Boob was shot and killed at his home in Potter Township, Centre County, on the morning of August 23rd, 2009.
Kermit Butts, 26, of Madisonburg, is accused of driving the suspected killer to and from the crime scene on the morning of the killing. He was charged with aggravated assault and assisting a murder suspect and placed in the Centre County Prison.
Police believe that Butts drove Ronald Heichel to the Boob home and picked him up later in the day on August 23rd, 2009. Police believe Heichel shot Sam Boob twice with a shotgun and killed him. Heichel was charged with 1st degree murder.
The victim's wife, Mirinda Boob, is accused of working with Heichel to have her husband killed. Police say they have text messages that were sent between her and Heichel, proving that the two were working together to kill Samuel. She has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder.
No word on whether Peter Cox had any involvement.
Things That Make You Go "Huh."
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