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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake


Upper Extremity and Distal Musculoskeletal Problems Months after COVID-19 Vaccination

Arm Injection Causes Host of Persistent Disabling Pain Syndromes

Data in the table suggest the inflammatory joint problems stirred up by vaccination go beyond the arm and include herniated vertebral discs, chronic back pain, Achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis. It’s my speculation that sites in the body that have pre-existing inflammation may get more heavily seeded with lipid nanoparticles laced with mRNA that work to install the inflammatory Spike protein into those joints and tendons, further worsening the inflammatory pain.

This paper is important for those who are still taking COVID-19 boosters since for each shot the arm has to be chosen. Everyone should be aware this is a manifold increased risk even 12 weeks later of incurring a disabling arm problem with continued vaccination. Additionally, a vaccine candidate should do a self-inventory of body aches and pains before vaccination to give an objective report to doctors on changes with the ill-advised injection.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

Correlation between COVID-19 vaccination and inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders. Young Hwan Park, Min Ho Kim, Myeong Geun Choi, Eun Mi ChunmedRxiv 2023.11.14.23298544; doi:

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