That. Is a long story….but. my laptop is still kaputa, and there is one reason…..$$$$$$$, or should I say a lack of $$$$$$, which sucks of course. Not long after my laptop battery dying, my cell phone begin to die. So, I got a new phone 50 bucks, no big deal. But, after buying some groceries, I checked the bank account, and, it was NOT GOOD as in scary. As in oh shit.
Then the personal property tax bill on my car showed up, then the property tax showed up, And OH SHIT! Then I realized moms Insulin is needing to be refilled, and even with Medicare, and the extra insurance is not cheap. And bills for ambulance rides showed up, 675 bucks, WTF! Only received one bill so far, but there are three more coming soon. I fear.
Anyway, long painful story short, I am, well, in dire need. 2 weeks from a SS check. And, with everything costing more, and all the excess bills, that next check is already spent. So, again dire need.
I have been forced to start a Go Fund Me. The link is below. The amount I am praying for us enough. I hope to get us to her January check, and everything should be OK, Again, I pray. These unexpected extra bills just too much all at once.
I pray y’all can help, and I pray I will never be in this situation again.
If you could share the link, maybe post a note on your blog, that would be wonderful
I thank you all.
Doug Hagin The Daley Gator here is the link, please share it
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