I have done a lot of writing which hasn’t been on Substack I’ve published some things on Substack which have just begun I’ve even published my first book from 2012. I’m a Canadian living in Canada Four days ago I saw an extremely brief video of a reporter who asked David Lametti, the JUSTICE MINISTER of Canada. He’s also acted as Deputy Prime Minister on occasion. The first exposure I had to him was during the first Trudeau Liberal term. He’s an obsequious unconscionably arrogant man who has a bent He is enacting the MANY LEGAL CHANGES THAT WERE MADE by many operatives beginning over fifteen years ago and continuing during every liberal government since Sorry to be so political but it’s coming to my point quickly The reporter was asking about the question of the “you will have nothing and you will be happy” assertion of Klaus and the gang What snapped me to attention was this scum uttering about ownership of land in Canada His EXACT WORDS WERE “Oh, in Canada there is no absolute right to ownership of land by <individuals>” Read that again if you are a Canadian or someone who OWNS property in Canada wherever you are domiciled I am currently soliciting solicitors for answers Anybody recall “Joshua Boyle”, a Canadian computer technician who married a Muslim woman IN IRAN or somewhere, had FOUR CHILDREN came back to Canada and was under siege by immigration and other authorities? I am not in the news business but when he came there was controversy And of course Shitstain (as I facetiously call Truedope) got REALLY INVOLVED He invited the WHOLE SIX PERSON FAMILY into his PRIME MINISTERIAL SUITE for a PHOTO OP! It was front page for a couple of days then the story vanished in the middle of the “If you are a Canadian then SO ARE MUSLIMS” or some such balderdash ANYWAY Joshua was working at the parliament building ON THE COMPUTER SYSTEMS It behooves someone with some inside knowledge of anything to do with this To look more closely at it THEY WERE CHANGING THE VERY DOCUMENTS WHICH ARE THE FOUNDATION OF OUR LEGAL SYSTEM I’m not whistling Dixie, here Have a terrific new year I’m preparing to sell EVERYTHING and LEAVE THE COUNTRY Jeff Thanks for reading JRCCreasey’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. JRCCreasey’s Substack is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell JRCCreasey’s Substack that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won't be charged unless they enable payments.
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