The difference between me and friends, cousins and children no longer speaking to me is that I think the left is evil. By which I mean, malignant, without the best interests of the ordinary man and woman at heart and filled with hate for normal, the good, the sane. I think they have deliberately maxed out the administrative state imprisoning every enterprise in a set of contradictory regulations. They have invited and paid for the invasion by the South into Europe and the US. They have deliberately destroyed the economies of the South via the same policies that are destroying our world. They have befuddled the middle class with false claims that alternative energy would work if the oil companies would just fold their tents and walk away.
Half of us are choosing between food and fuel according to AP. All the poverty you see around you, all the lack, the financial pain in the faces you pass, the lost businesses of the last three years, the titanic risk in the markets, the actual recession, all of it has been engineered. We all, all of us, every single one of us, should be three times as wealthy, and three times as creative.
The most visible result of their malfeasance is homelessness. Which has been engineered to shame you. Entirely. 100%. Every time you drive by some poor soul dying on the sidewalk, you are meant to feel
1. Guilt
2. Anger at the system (capitalism) and
3. an urge to vote for the compassionate left who promise to work only for the dispossessed.
It’s a psy-op. It is why the homeless population is front and center in the richest, most beautiful city in the world: San Francisco. This fact is meant to shout that no matter how much money private enterprise generates, capitalism means losers, addicts, madmen and women, because our system is brutal and must be changed.
San Francisco’s beauty and reputation mean that its homeless catastrophe is publicized all over the world.
When I was researching Eco-Fascists for Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US, I drove 20,000 miles into the American hinterlands, talking to everyone who would talk to me about why their communities were dying. There was one reason: over-regulation. This was repeated many thousands of times. And when I talked to men and women who ran ranches or forest operations or counties or towns, they showed me that the regulations were written as to be contradictory. One goal: drive people off the land. There was no way out, other than defeat, close your business, slink away.
The communist left did that. For thirty years, I was told repeatedly, they insinuated their way into the land and water agencies at state, federal and local levels and wrote regulation that destroyed enterprise, businesses, and people in rural areas all over the U.S.
I estimated that by 2010, they had driven 14 million Americans out of their home places into the cities. Where many of them failed without their families and communities, and ended up on the street. In the developing world, by 2000, the same people, over-regulating every growing economy, had driven 20 million traditional and indigenous peoples from their land. In the decades since, UN2030 has meant tens if not hundreds of millions have been driven out of the rural areas where they held small farms and ranches, into the cities. Whereupon they fail, pack up, are given money and guided to the US border. Or boats on the Med.
I spent my early adulthood on the left, crowned by my friendship with the daughter of one of the most famous Communists of the late 20th century. Trust me, you had to know a great deal about the ideas and operations before you travelled in those circles.
These people are organized. They are relentless. They meet in massive, heavily funded confabs all over the world throughout the year. The goal is and always has been to take down America and destroy its culture.
We are insane not to know this, not to make it a conscious fact that is discussed often. The biggest trick that the communists have performed is to make us think they do not exist. That is untrue. They are everywhere. They are the boomer failures who couldn’t make it in that generation’s overpopulated scramble for resources and it was how they have created significance for themselves. They hate us. They are those extra people in the following generations for whom opportunity has been shrunk by their elders.
Ever since the 60s, these people have foreshortened growth. They use any idea to destroy our happiness, wealth, abundant, caring communities. Net Zero is their ultimate weapon, it is the ideal weapon, heavily over-complicated, accompanied by a million pages of complex verbiage signifying nothing, and math that has been so corrupted and convoluted you cannot believe one single solitary thing that comes out of a Net Zero mouth.
Another thing I learned by researching for ten years in the actual rural environment: there is no extinction crisis. It is made up. There have been a handful of actual extinctions in each category. But what is called extinction today means a subset of a subset of a subset of a species, like for instance, a type of frog in one river valley within 20 miles. This too, is accompanied by a million pages of bullshit.
Net Zero and Extinction Rebellion are Satanic. Net Zero means every breath out of our mouths has to be matched by a sacrifice. Extinction threat means nothing can be built. Through every ministry in every western democracy, those rules have been insinuated into every bureaucratic process.
I do not know one journalist that tracks regulation, or even, frankly, understands how it operates to suffocate enterprise. Not even “business” journalists. Even think tanks that know regulation can be destructive, are not entirely aware of how it has turned 6% annual growth into 1%, how it has turned 6% productivity into 2%.
Jettison the falsified science of Net Zero, cut 30% of the administrative state, every problem we have has an easy solution. For instance, San Antonio, Texas solved its homeless problem. In 2006 the then mayor, Phil Hardberger, after calling on the business community for help, was approached by one of the richest men in the city, Bill Greehey, and together they marshalled the 184 partner organizations in the city that worked with the dispossessed, formerly operating in silos, and by 2009, built an encampment called Haven for Hope which holds 2000 homeless. There, the homeless, addicted, the mentally ill are given all the tools they need to climb down from addiction, rebuild their psyches and their lives. 90% graduate from their three year program and do not return to the streets.
Without the crime of Net Zero, the curse of the Administrative State, without moronic Cultural Marxism, we can grow again at 6%.
There are no upper bounds for humans without the enemy within.
Welcome to Absurdistan is entirely reader-supported, which means no one is paying me to write propaganda. George Gissing would have been in heaven, along with the rest of his pals on New Grub Street, the most accurate illustration of the desperation and thrill of journalism. Please consider a very inexpensive annual subscription.
© 2024 Elizabeth Nickson
548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104
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