Out of the blosme sprang a thorn,¹
Quan God hym self wold be born,
He let us nevere be forlorn,
That born was of Marie.
Ther sprang a welle al at here fot,
That al this word is tornyd to good,
Quan Jhesu Cryst took fleych and blod
Of his moder Marie.
Out of the welle sprang a strem
Fro patriarck to Jerusalem,
Til Cryst himself aȝen it nem
Of his moder Marie.
In wynter quan the frost hym fres,
A power beddyng our Lord hym ches;
Betwyin an ox and an as
Godes sone born he was
Of his moder Marie.
It was upon the twelwe day,
Ther come thre kynges in ryche array,
To seke Cryst ther he lay
And his moder Marie.
Thre kynges out of dyves londe,
Swythe comyn with herte stronge,
The child to sekyn underfonged,
That was born of Marie.
The sterre led hem a ryte way
To the child ther he lay;
He help us bothe nyȝt and day,
That was born of Marie.
Baltyzar was the ferste kyng,
He browte gold to his offering,
For to presente that ryche kyng,
And his moder Marie.
Melchiar was the secunde kyng,
He browte incens to his offering,
For to present that ruche kyng,
And his moder Marie.
Jasper was the thred kyng,
He browte myrre to his offeryng,
For to presente that ryche kyng,
and his moder Marie.
Ther they offerid here presens,
With gold and myrre and francincens,
And clerkes redyn in here seqwens
in Ephifanye.
Knel we down hym beforn,
And prey we to hym that now is born,
And let us never be forlorn,
that born was of Marye.
Anonymous, from 15th century manuscript.
Man, be glad in halle and bour,
This tyme was born our Savyour.
In this tyme Cryst haȝt us sent
Hiw owyn sone in present,
To dwelle with us verement,
To ben our helpe and socour.
In this tyme ros a sterre cler,
Over Bedlem, as bryȝt as fer,
In tokenyng that he hadde non per,
Lord God, kyng, and emperour.
In this tyme it is befalle,
He that deyid for us alle,
Born he was in assis stalle,
Of Mary, that swete flour.
In this tyme kemyn thre kynges,
He kemyn fro fer with ryche things,
For to makyn here offerynges,
On here knen with gret honour.
In this tyme prey we
To hym that deyid on the tre,
On us have mercy and peté,
And bring us alle to his tour.
Anonymous, from 15th century manuscript.
Þe first o þam þat Jasper hight,
He gaf him gold wit resun right,
And þat was for to sceu takning
O kynges all þat he was kyng.
Melchior him com þair neist—
Heid he was, bath Godd and prist—
Wit recles forwit him he fell,
Þat agh be birnt in kirc to smell;
It es a gum þat cums o firr.
Bot Attropa gaf gift o mir,
A smerl o selcuth bitturnes,
Þat dedman cors wit smerld es,
For roting es na better rede;
In taken he man was suld be dede.
Anonymous, 15th century
For vocabulary assistance, see “Middle / Early English Glossary” in “Reference & Guides” section of Peregrinus page. Middle / Early English Glossary
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