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Thursday, February 08, 2024

When a Person Walks up to Me Like I am not Dangerous

A gateway opens inside my body And a red, lycanthropic rage pours into me I stand there with some meanningless expession on my face Propbably some non-treatening half-smile Concocted from the picture box Doing my best to look passive But I am not passive am I no, no I am very, very busy busy not seeing the pulse of life so close to the surface just above the line of the shirt busy not feeling the crunch and snap of those top few vertabre ~ I am not the only lycanthope so check your bullshit people if I put this thing on you Elon’s rockets are your only way out because this thing can and will kill you before you can take a step back It does not know or care about prison It knows and likes blood It knows the screams, and how to make them stop It knows the taste of combat and the smell of death And I taught it to read And I can feel my brethren, an essentially peacefull people coming to the edge of what murders may be avoided so do me a favor don’t put me in prison walk up to me like you will not have time to take a step back . 🍕 + ☕ + 𐑺 SHARE LIKE COMMENT RESTACK © 2024 Sean Vikoren Earth (current) Unsubscribe

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