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Friday, February 09, 2024

Writer Office Hours 📅 The 100th edition

We started Office Hours almost three years ago because there was a gap in the knowledge our company had about how to run a Substack, and the knowledge a typical writer had. We wanted to close that gap, and also, hopefully, help kickstart more connections between writers. This week, we hit the 100th Office Hour milestone! And we believe we’ve achieved those goals together. The expertise level of the Substack writer community is awe-inspiring, with many writers now wielding and sharing advanced knowledge of the product and publishing strategies. A spirit of generosity grew, one that favors collaboration over competition. When we talk to writers and creators making their homes on Substack about what they value most here, many share how much they value their peers. “Generous” has become synonymous with the Substack community. Office Hours was the first consistent place all Substack writers could come together and exchange ideas, but Substack has changed a lot since we started. Today, we have Notes, recommendations, cross-posts, Chat and more to come that will help writers connect directly, without us as a bottleneck. Thus, we sense it’s time we transform Office Hours. In the next month, we’ll begin to wind down Office Hours as we know it. But this isn’t goodbye! You can expect us to direct the energy we put into these weekly threads into other spaces for writers to connect. Today, we want to hear from you. Tell us in today’s thread: What has been a meaningful moment for you at Office Hours? What do you wish was different about Office Hours? How do you imagine the Substack community might best support you in this next chapter? Thank you for showing up and helping us build the Substack community. - Katie @ Substack & Bailey @ Substack Thanks for subscribing to On Substack. This post is public, so feel free to share it. © 2024 Substack 548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104 Unsubscribe

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